Message by the Founder
Message by the Founder

Situated at the location where the Yellow River flows into the blue Bohai Sea, Dongying Port witnesses stories about dreams every second. Founded in 1998, Fuhai has gone through more than 20 years of ups and downs with the supports from all walks of the society and is now marching with steady steps toward its goal of build a "century old company".

Drawing on experience from the predecessors, we firmly carry forward the spirit of "people-centered, integrity, innovation, and teamwork", advocate the concept of loyalty, responsibility, and cohesion, adopt standardized management, and make constant efforts to promote the transformation, upgrading, and healthy development of the company. Every stage of our growth comes from the deep care and strong support of all walks of the society, therefore, I, on behalf of all Fuhai people, would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all who have supported Fuhai!

As in the past, Fuhai people will still maintain high morale and forge ahead unswervingly. In the future, we will continue to focus on two markets and two resources at home and abroad at the same time, and we will make all out efforts to develop Fuhai with its own characteristics, build a century-old industry, and create a national brand that is well known in the industry.

Fuhai is committed to benefit all like the sea embraces all rivers. With your care and support, we firmly believe that we will surely achieve the vision of building a century-old company and creating a better life for all!