Safety Management System with Fuhai’s Characteristics
Fuhai Group works to establish a "safety management system with Fuhai’s characteristics" that is more systematic, specialized, and standardized. Fuhai started to follow the example of DuPont, the safety management benchmark in the world, since 2018 by introducing and applying Dupont’s world-class standards and best practices to form a visible and perceptible safety culture and a comprehensive safety management system with Fuhai’s characteristics. The basic framework and management elements of safety management system cover 14 key aspects including safety culture and risk management. The scope, principle, and practices of safety control are further detailed. Experts from DuPont are invited to give guidance at site. The training program titled “Seed” is launched to build an elite team of safety specialists. Through these efforts, Fuhai hopes to get risks controlled and stack energy for achieving its “Two Ten-year” strategic goals.
Strengthen Production Safety Through Reinforced Territorial Management
As the basic principle of safety management, territorial management is also one of the best practices that show how the relevant provision (i.e., the overseers of industry, business, and production & operation must oversee work safety) in the national "Work Safety Law" is implemented at the corporate level. Fuhai Group attaches great importance to territorial management at the grassroots level and adopts three rules to make sure the effectiveness of territorial management: first, clearly define the post safety matrix and implement special training to improve specialized ability; second, clearly define the division of territorial areas and establish clear management boundaries; third, clearly define territorial responsibilities so as to make sure every employee understands his individual responsibilities and fulfills management obligations. At the same time, Fuhai works to continuously improve territorial management and reinforce the foundation for safety management based on suggestions collected from time to time during on-site observation and communication.